Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We have the best family & friends!

Since my last post, I've had two more showers. Two of my co-workers threw me a shower at work on the 26th and then two friends threw me a shower for some friends and family down here. We got tons of great stuff! When Chris and I sorted through all the shower gifts we got from our Chicago shower and these two additional showers, we were amazed! We have the most generous family and friends. We added up all the gift cards we've gotten and I was amazed! A great big THANK YOU to everyone! And we're still getting gifts in the mail from people who couldn't make it to the showers!

I've started seeing the doctor every week now on Mondays. Everything is still going well. I'm probably still gaining too much weight but my doctor stopped questioning it and I've stopped caring (for the most part). I'm not going to pig out and go crazy these last few weeks but I'm not going to stress if those darn numbers on the scale keep going up.

Everyone keeps saying that I'm still tiny (okay... I've never been tiny in my life!). I'm starting to feel huge but considering I have less than 4 weeks until my due date, I guess I'm doing okay. My back still hurts all the time. Maybe if I had stuck to the 25 pound gain that my doctor recommended, my back wouldn't hurt so much. Maybe I'll try that next time!

Thanks again to all those who have helped spoil this baby before he/she even arrives! Also, thanks again to my mom, Jen, Robyn, Sabina, Suzanna, and Alison for 3 great showers!

Enjoy the new belly pictures! Chris took these at the end of the day.. it was late, I was tired, and my hair was all over the place so sorry.. no glamor shots this time!


36 weeks, 2 days


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