Monday, September 14, 2009

My Baby is no longer a Baby!

I can't believe how big Katelin is getting! She amazes me every day. She is learning more and more new words, new body parts, new animal sounds, new things to get into, and new actions to mimic. This post is probably more for me so when I look back, I'll remember what she could do at this age. I'm horrible at keeping her baby book updated!

She's 16-1/2 months and she can (I may be missing some here):
Identify body parts - head, hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, belly, toes, and sometimes cheek, knee, and elbow.

Animal sounds - dog, cat, cow, horse, pig, duck, sheep, bird, lion, and sometimes chicken

Says - hi, bye, mama, dada, ra-ra (roscoe, our dog), light, belly, no, ball, milk cheese, shoe, fish (although these three all sound the same), 'ane' (for airplane), bath, night-night, tweet (when she sees a bird), water, mmmmm (when she's hungry) and she'll repeat even more if you say them but I'm not sure she really knows what she's saying (hot dog, backpack, outside)

She can now climb onto the futon and the 2nd shelf of the entertainment center in the game room and just this weekend, she pulled a chair out from the kitchen table and climbed into it! She still can't get onto the couch by herself though.

If you ask her if she needs her diaper changed, she'll walk over to the changing table or if it is time for "night-night", she'll walk towards the stairs or her room. If she's hungry, you can tell her to go to the kitchen and she will walk over and stand at the fridge, waiting for her milk. If she does something she's not supposed to do (like turn the tv on/off), she'll do it and then shake her finger at you and say "no no no".

She has her 4 front teeth on the top & bottom and she's working on her molars (skipping the canines is the "normal" order). Her bottom left molar is almost through (3 points are) and I think we're about to get a point to break through on the top right. The bottom right and top left could also make an appearance at any time!

Well, that is my "little" Katelin in a nutshell! As I said, I'm sure I'm forgetting things here.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Make your own wordle here!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Swim Lessons!

Katelin had her first of four swim lessons on Saturday morning. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures because I was in the water with her and Chris had to work. He has the boat show for the next 2 weekends so we probably won't get any pictures for a couple weeks. I may take my camera and hope that someone else can get a couple shots for me. She did okay. Still pretty cling-y in the water, but she wasn't the worst in the class. There was a screaming child. It was so bad, the poor mom was in tears. The class is from 6 months to 3 years and I think there were some kids who had already been in that class before. It is a really cheap class and we get 1/2 the pool to ourselves so I can see why people would take it over again. I don't think Katelin is really going to learn anything from the class, but hopefully she has fun and gets a little more comfy in the water.

I know I'm a little late, but here are a couple pictures from the 4th of July.. We did our typical boat trip over to Charlie's for dinner and then watched the fireworks from the lake :) Brian, Robyn, Toby, & Landry, and my parents were with us this year.

Katelin loves the boat!

Katelin & Landry 2009:

FLASHBACK - Katelin & Landry 2008 (not the best picture of Katelin):

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Oh yeah, and in addition to Father's Day.. my Birthday was this weekend! We went to a local Italian restaurant on Friday and then went to The Melting Pot on Saturday with my parents. We go every year for my birthday. A two-and-a-half hour dinner probably wasn't the best idea with Katelin, but she didn't do that bad. We still managed to have a nice dinner.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday - Lindsey's Party:

Saturday Night - Out on the Lake

Sunday - DFW Mommies BBQ/Potluck/Pool Party

Friday, June 12, 2009

Same Thing, Different Day...

I find myself always talking about how busy I am as an excuse for not updating this blog regularly. While I am busy, and I do forget about keeping this up-to-date, a lot of the time I just don't know what to say. Do I talk about the mundane things that go on in our lives???? Do I try to be funny??? What if no one gets my sense of humor???? It is so much easier to just post cute pictures of Katelin :)

Last weekend, the three of us traveled to Las Vegas and Chris and I bowled in the USBC Open Championships. Katelin has not be the best traveler lately. She likes to sleep in her own crib. You can't fool her with a hotel crib or a pack 'n play(heaven forbid.. she HATES those!). The first two nights, the three of us crowded into a double bed (were they out of Kings??? Why did we end up with two double beds??). I think Chris had 1/2 the bed, Katelin had 1/4, and I had the other 1/4. Not a comfortable nights sleep. The third night, I decided there was enough room on the floor for the second mattress so Katelin and I slept in that. I cornered Katelin in so there was no fear of her rolling out of the bed and onto the floor. I slept a little better, but still not great.
Considering the crappy sleep I got, I guess I bowled okay. I averaged 172 for the tournament which is 17 pins below my current book average but I always bowl HORRIBLE there. Chris did well too. He finished higher than he has in any previous year. This was my 8th consecutive year and Chris' 7th. We'll both end up getting some cash back :)

This weekend is going to be just as busy... Katelin and I are going to a birthday party tomorrow for our friend's daughter and then we're going to the lake. Sunday we're going to a BBQ hosted by one of the mom's from a "mom's group" I've been a part of. I think right now, there are about 20 adults and 15 kids (mostly babies) that will be there! It should be a good (and eventful!) time.

I don't really see an end to our "busy-ness" until mid-July and I'm sure by then, I'll have 100 more things to add to my schedule.
Upcoming Events:
Lindsey's B-Day Party - 6/13
DFW Mommies BBQ - 6/14
Getting my hair done... something totally different.. not just a trim! - 6/17
My B-day - 6/19
My Parents get into town - 6/20
Reno, USBC Women's Tournament - 6/26-6/29
Forth of July
MNO with DFW Mommies - 7/10
Katelin's Swim Lessons Start - 7/11
Nutty 500 Bowling Tournament - 7/11

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
-Peter Kay

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Our nephews Declan & Caleb (7ys old tomorrow) and our niece Avelinn (3 next week) horsing around on Chris.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Professional 12 Month Pictures

Pictures were taken at Sears Portrait, Denton. 5/1/09

Monday, May 11, 2009

A YEAR, Already????

A year has gone by already!?!?
My sweet little baby is an entire year old! We had her birthday party on the 26th. My mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law were able to fly down for it. :) I tried to keep it small and not go overboard but I went crazy trying to get everything perfect. I made not only her individual cake but 2 sheet cakes for everyone else. It wouldn't have been that big of a deal but my oven evidently wasn't reading the correct temperature and I have zero decorating skills so it was a challenge. My mom helped me smooth out the frosting but the crazy pink piping and sprinkles were all me. Katelin got so many great gifts! We have the best family and friends! Thanks to everyone that made the day so great.

Katelin had her 12 month checkup...
Height - 29.25" (55%)
Weight - 20 lbs, 9oz (48%)
Head - 45.5cm (65%)

We took her for her one year portraits... it seemed like half of the pictures, she was scrunching her face all up and the other half, she was trying to work out her escape plan and wouldn't sit still! Link to pictures is coming soon!

Katelin isn't waking yet but she's crawling all over, pulling herself up on everything, and "walking" around (cruising). She'll also "walk" all around the house while holding onto our fingers. One of these days, she's just going to take off running. She's saying mama, dada, rara (for our dog Roscoe), uh-oh, mmmmm (when she's hungry), hi (and possibly hey), bye-bye, and I think she's saying "I got" but I'm not 100% on that one. She also says ah-ma. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be mama and she gets confused or if she's trying to say grandma. We're so proud of our little (um, I mean big) girl!

Here are a couple pictures from her party. I'll upload more in the next week or so!

The pretty birthday girl in her new rocking chair and her new clogs.

Her cake.

Happy Birthday To You!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here are some pictures from December & January.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


I've been horrible at keeping up with this blog! There are so many things going on right now that I never seem to make time for it. I'll try to do better. For now, I just wanted to post a quick valentine's day "card" for everyone.

I'm working on posting a bunch of pictures from Christmas and our trip to Jamaica. Hopefully I'll get them up in the next week or so!.

click to see a larger version!