Monday, December 17, 2007

Halfway There!

I finally hit the halfway point on Saturday. 20 weeks down, 20 to go. I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm still fairly tired and getting ready for the holidays has me worn out! My stomach still bothers me every so often, but no where near as bad as it was.

We had a sonagram this morning (picture below) and a quick meeting with my doctor. The tech said everything looked good with the sonogram. She said the spine looked good and she pointed out the two hands, arms, legs, & feet. The heartbeat was nice and strong again (154 bpm) and the blood flow looked good. She didn't tell us too much about how the baby is measuring other than when she took the thigh-bone measurement, she said that the baby's legs were really long. Maybe we have a future basketballer or volleyballer on our hands. Or maybe he/she will just end up with my long legs and short torso and be average height. The baby was really moving around... Chris thinks we may have a future soccer player with all the kicking he/she was doing. We could have found out the gender at this apt but we're sticking to waiting until the birth.

I think I'm starting to feel the baby move but I'm not sure. Everyone says it feels like something different so whenever I think I feel something, I'm always asking myself, wait.. was that the baby, or just my crazy stomach. The sonagram tech said that with the way my body is, it isn't suprising that I haven't really been feeling the baby move. She said in the next couple of weeks, the movement should be strong enough that I know for sure that it is the baby and a little bit after that, Chris should be able to feel him/her as well. With as much movement as we saw, I'm suprised I haven't been able to distinguish the kicks yet.

I gained another 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks. According to the books, I should be gaining about a pound a week so I'm right on track. My doctor was pleased with my weight gain so far. The scale keeps going up but I don't know where the pounds are going. I don't think I'm getting much bigger.. maybe I'm just in pregnancy denial. It is nice to be gaining weight though and have the doctor be happy with it :)

My next apt is scheduled for January 17th. I get to take the fun and exciting Glucose test... I can't wait! Hopefully the stuff they make me drink isn't too bad! I've heard some pretty bad stories about that stuff.

It looks like the baby has his/her hand up to its mouth but that is the leg/foot. The baby kept curling into a ball and then stretching out.